Role Swapping

Role Swapping

Platinum Point, the weekly invitation-only business group I’m a member of, talk for a minute each on our business, business tips, or an interesting subject. This week myself and another member, Christine Frith, decided to swap identities and talk about each other’s business to the group.

I have some sympathy with Christine Frith as IT let’s be honest isn’t always the easiest subject to make interesting to non-IT folk!

Christine did a great job highlighting the advantages of Multi Factor authentication (MFA) and how businesses need this added level of security but crucially, with a simple login process for their staff.

Then it was my turn, well to be honest Christine’s business Hour Hands has a very clear message whether it’s book keeping, event planning or PA services they simply take away the pain doing the stuff which most of us just don’t want to do.  A small but interesting exercise that got me thinking about what I learnt from it here we go…

  • I found it easier to talk about another person’s business as the emotion is absent (not always though)
  • Giving your best for someone else always makes you feel good
  • The added responsibility helps focus on doing it right
  • In business you can become very internalised on what you do assuming the market place will always need your stuff (Tip: they won’t)