Protect your business and sleep better at night in 2023 from just £79.99 per user
Chief information security officers, IT Managers and business owners have the onerous task of protecting their organisations from multiple cyber threats each, and every day and your team members could unwittingly be your enemy in the continuing fight.
Barracuda Phishline is an awareness and simulation solution developed to educate and upskill your teams and protect your organisation against targeted phishing attacks and breaches in email security. The programme keeps employees up to date on the latest social engineering phishing techniques, helps them recognise subtle clues, and subsequently assists in the prevention of email fraud, data loss, and reputational damage.
PhishLine Security Awareness Training converts employees from a potential security risk to a powerful line of defence teaching them how to spot, avoid, and report real-world attacks using automated education technology that includes simulation, testing, reporting and incident awareness.
To find out more, please give us a call today at 01727 818271 or drop us a line at